Holly Cope shares her journey from practicing law to helping lawyers create engaging podcasts in this episode. She discusses the importance of building a personal brand as a lawyer, documenting one's journey through law school, and overcoming limiting beliefs to excel in the legal profession. Holly's insights on leveraging a law degree for various opportunities and the value of storytelling in the legal field provide valuable advice for law students and young lawyers.

Lawyer Side Hustles

Side hustles for lawyers can be a great way to explore alternative career paths and find more flexibility in their work. Holly Cope, a lawyer turned podcast producer, shared her journey of starting a freelance writing business on the side before transitioning into podcasting full-time. She emphasized the importance of finding a balance between traditional legal work and pursuing entrepreneurial ventures.

“I was doing that on the side and then I built that up, that freelance business up until I was in a position where I could quit my job,” shares Holly Cope in Episode 145 of You Are a Lawyer.

Lawyers can benefit from side hustles not only financially but also in terms of personal growth and fulfillment. By documenting their journey and sharing their experiences, lawyers can build a personal brand and attract new opportunities. Holly suggested that lawyers should consider sharing their stories and insights, especially on platforms like LinkedIn, to connect with a wider audience and showcase their expertise.


How to leverage a law degree for various career opportunities beyond traditional legal practiceThe importance of building a personal brand as a lawyer and documenting your journey on social mediaStrategies for overcoming limiting beliefs and imposter syndrome when starting a podcast or pursuing new ventures


Transitioning from practicing law to freelancing and eventually helping lawyers create engaging podcastsThe role of coaching and counseling in supporting lawyers to become successful podcastersThe significance of confidence-building through sharing personal experiences and tips on social media platforms like LinkedIn

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Kyla Denanyoh hosts the You Are A Lawyer podcast. 

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