Alyssa Devine, founder of Purple Fox Legal, shares her journey from initially wanting to be a veterinarian to discovering her passion for intellectual property law and entrepreneurship. She advises law students and young lawyers on building relationships, embracing change, and finding the right career fit. The episode highlights the significance of developing skills while also understanding when it's necessary to pivot and find a different path.

What You Can Do With a Law Degree

As Alyssa Devine highlights in this podcast episode, law students and young lawyers have the opportunity to explore different areas of law and develop a vast network of connections. Alyssa advises law students to not only focus on the legal field but also to build relationships with business owners and professionals from other industries. 

"Developing skills is always good, but also recognizing what is and is not the right fit is really, really important. If you get that feeling, then, you know, figure out something different. Like don't just stay stuck in that cycle. You'll be very unhappy," emphasizes Alyssa Devine, on this episode of You Are a Lawyer.

With a law degree, individuals can pursue careers in various fields, such as litigation, corporate law, intellectual property, entertainment law, and more. They can work in law firms, government agencies, and non-profit organizations or even start their law firms or businesses. The key is to continuously learn and adapt to the changing landscape of the legal profession. With the right mindset and a willingness to explore different opportunities, individuals with a law degree can carve out successful and fulfilling careers in various fields.

"Don't get discouraged… We don't have the society where you go to work for a company for 30, 40 years. We can change jobs. That's acceptable. That's expected. And that's okay," shares Alyssa Devine on You Are A Lawyer.


The importance of balancing business and legal considerationsWhy choosing a strong trademark is invaluableThe origin story of Purple Fox Legal


Unexpected success in entrepreneurshipStarting a business after the pandemicChanging careers and taking risks

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Kyla Denanyoh hosts the You Are A Lawyer podcast. 

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