Anne Hamer is not afraid to share her opinion, especially about how marriage impacted her career, her biological clock, and why menopause is an advantage. In Episode 104 of You Are A Lawyer, host Kyla Denanyoh interviews Anne Hamer, a family lawyer from Nashville, Tennessee, about attending law school in New York, how divorce impacted her children, and why she stands in the Super Woman pose before every trial. 

Lawyers and Networking
Anne doesn’t regret attending law school, but she could’ve lived without the student loans. Working alongside colleagues is an invaluable opportunity to learn from those who have already succeeded. The speakers highlight the 

Anne explains how mentorship becomes more valuable AFTER law school because being surrounded by colleagues who are further along inspires what you can do in your career. 

Networking with other lawyers and connecting with individuals who share the same professional path will allow young lawyers to gain insights from their experiences and learn how to attract clients and build a prosperous practice. 

Parenting After Divorce

Anne Hamer had some tough conversations before her divorce. When one of Anne's daughters wanted to be a stay-at-home mom like Anne, she knew it was time to go back to work and show her daughters that they could do anything! 

Anne also had conversations with other lawyers and friends with strong opinions about how and when Anne would allow her spouse to see their children. Traditionally, the advice given to divorcing parents is to aim for a 50-50 parenting plan, as studies suggest that equal parenting time benefits children. However, Anne challenges this notion, highlighting that every family is unique and what works for one may not work for another.

Anne’s divorce allowed her to see the need for mentorship and guidance with divorced parents. There is so much advice out there, but every family is different and must find out what will work for their family. After her divorce, Anne saw how her children changed, and she dedicated herself to being the best advocate for other families, including millionaire families. 

“You got to pay attention to that because kids need both parents," shared Anne Hamer on the You Are A Lawyer podcast.

The Perks of Opening a Law Firm

There are a lot of expectations for lawyers to work in big law firms, but this isn’t typically where a new lawyer's passion would lie. Anne shared her personal experience of feeling pressured to follow a traditional path of working in a big law firm and climbing the corporate ladder. However, Anne realized that this lifestyle did not align with her values and instead focused on family law and helping parents through the challenges of divorce and child custody.

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