Sheila M. Wilkinson is a lawyer, social worker, consultant, and career transition coach. Sheila also talks about her mission to help lawyers make aligned decisions, set boundaries, and focus on what they truly want to do rather than what they think they should do. She believes in reconnecting the intellectual self with the emotional self and offers guidance to lawyers in this process.

This episode is Part 2 of a two-part series with Sheila M. Wilkinson. (Catch up on Part 1 Here)

Lawyer Side Hustles

Sheila's coaching business focuses on helping lawyers create a joyful and thriving life. Through her holistic approach, she combines her background in social work with human design principles to guide her clients in aligning their energy and making decisions that are true to their authentic selves. Sheila believes that lawyers often find themselves stuck in a cycle of overthinking and burnout, and she aims to break this pattern by helping them tap into their true passions and desires. She understands lawyers' unique challenges and provides practical tools and strategies to help them navigate their careers with more fulfillment and balance.

“The sooner you understand the distinction and … how we are designed to make decisions … you give yourself permission to follow that quicker … you will get to where you want to be,” shares Sheila M. Wilkinson in Episode 126 of You Are a Lawyer.

Sheila's approach combines her background as a licensed social worker with her legal expertise, allowing her to guide her clients through their careers' emotional and intellectual aspects. She encourages her clients to reflect on their experiences and goals, providing them with the support and guidance they need to navigate the challenges of the legal profession.


About Human Design as a tool for aligning one’s energy with their natural designThe importance of holistic approaches in coaching and social workThe impact of addressing and working through personal shadows and fears


The importance of not judging oneself for emotions that arisePrioritizing self-care and sleep for optimal functioningThe tendency of lawyers to overanalyze and overthink

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Kyla Denanyoh hosts the You Are A Lawyer podcast. 

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