Previous Episode: Fragmented Reality
Next Episode: Welcome to Season Two

Hello friends. First of all, thank you for being here. For existing as you do. For being who you are. This podcast has been something so fundamentally life changing and empowering and I am so thankful you have come along for the ride. Winter, for me, is always a time to rest and dive deep into who I am and where I am going, so I will be taking a break until the new year to really recuperate and learn from the lessons of what this year has taught me. Living with a mental illness is not a easy, but it can become something that gives you so much insight into yourself and why you are the way you are. I hope you find time to rest, to step away from the eyes of others and to hold space for yourself to grow. To plant seeds of growth and healing. Season Two will be more of this style of podcast; raw, emotional, just talking. That's the way I live and I hope that I can share my insights and downfalls with you over this crazy internet space. Thank you Thank you Thank you for being here. For being in this world with all of the gifts and talents you bring. I pray you find ways to create meaning in this world and that you know I am rooting for you. If you want to talk or say hi or have any comments/questions, get in touch over on Instagram @journey.bound. I'll see you in the new year. Sending you love. Stef 🖤