A school's culture encompasses the beliefs, assumptions, perceptions, attitudes, and written and unwritten rules that influence every aspect of the organization. Head of School, Struan Robertson, wants The York School to be a safe and happy place for children to learn and grow in an academically robust environment. That doesn’t just happen. A school’s culture of safety, happiness, and academic robustness needs to be reflected in its leadership, its focus on wellness, citizenship, kindness, and engagement, and what it does to find staff, students, and families that share the school's values and mission.
In this episode, host Natasha Estey speaks with Struan Robertson and Director of Admission & Advancement, Praveen Muruganandan, about building The York School culture and how everything we do from the admission process to hiring to strategic planning is in the service of positive culture-building.

Follow the #yorklearns hashtag on Twitter. You can find The York School's 20/20 Vision Strategic Plan here.

Written and produced by Natasha Estey
Audio Editing by Andrew Scott