I chat with my homegirls, Grace Edison, Bridgit Danner, and Rachel Peters, about our life journeys on our pro healer wellness paths.  In discussing our unique stories and how each of our paths has led us to our current wellness careers, we realize one thing we have in common is the passion we each feel towards holistic wellness and healing.

Grace, Bridgit, Rachel and I discuss the sense of risk that comes with change, our wellness setbacks, and what we’re most excited for in the future of our pro healer journeys. We have each experienced fear, failures, life changes and transitions on our paths. As wellness professionals who have felt strong callings to raise the consciousness of the planet and to better the overall health of humanity, we realize that each of these bumps in the road are part of the journey and are totally worthwhile.


I rap with Grace, Bridgit and Rachel about:

The passion or calling wellness pros feel towards the healing path and how worth it is, even when there is a chance of failure What it means to give ourselves permission to step into our own potential and do what we truly want in life Integrity, the sense of risk that comes with change, and what it takes to give up a job you don’t like in order to pursue what you love Knowing that when the pain of staying the same and staying small surpases the fear of what’s to come, then it’s time to move on


What you’ll get out of tuning in:    

How you can transform your current career and lifestyle into a healthier, happier, more balanced life Why the transition into a holistic based lifestyle can be scary, but totally worth it What it means to go deep in one area of your life verses stay on the surface



Bridgit Danner’s website Rachel Peters’ website Grace Edison’s website How I Built This podcast with Guy Raz  Yoga Health Coaching  

Show Highlights:

3:20 - Cate chats about her experience transitioning from her “real job” working in energy conservation into a full time pro healer role in order to raise the consciousness of the planet. 7:30 - Rachel talks about her role as a yoga teacher and her work in nature based education and how the two correlated and propelled her on her path towards Yogahealer and Living Ayurveda 15:35 - Grace chats about teaching yoga and her “big girl job” as a financial advisor. She talks about the transition from her well paying career into her current lifestyle as a holistic financial coach   20:15 - Bridgit tells us about her life working as an acupuncturist, owning a yoga studio and clinic, health coaching, and helping with women’s wellness. 28:30 - We talk about our attachment to jobs with “benefits” and how they may not actually benefit you 33:45 - Grace, Bridgit, Rachel and I discuss what we’re most excited about now in our own work as prohealers and what we have to look forward to


Favorite Quotes:

“Access to wild places is access to ourselves.” - Rachel Peters “The easiest way to learn faster is to try to teach something.” - Cate Stillman “There is a reward to the grit and the follow through that we may have a sense of, but it feels really different when we arrive there.” - Cate Stillman “There is a sequence to the way energy flows, there is a sequence to unlocking consciousness, there is a sequence to growth.” - Cate Stillman “What are you willing to give up through this transition?” - Bridgit Danner


Grace Edison:

Grace Edison teaches and guides people to get out of their own way with courses that are primarily focused on re-claiming your innate power to heal and be in control of your life, your time, how you feel and how you show up in the world. Formerly a full time financial advisor and part time yoga instructor, she has expertise in the areas of health and wealth and the relationship between the two. Grace is a mom of 8 year old twins, owns a yoga studio in Northern BC Canada, runs retreats, is an up and coming Yoga Health Coach, works for Cate in admissions and is leaning into new levels of leadership.


Bridgit Danner:

Bridgit has always had a love of nature and a desire to serve others so her desire to study acupuncture at Chinese Medicine School felt very natural.  She became a licensed acupuncturist in 2004 and a certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition practitioner in 2015. She established a multi-disciplinary wellness center in Portland, OR in 2007 as well as the organization, Women's Wellness Collaborative, in 2015. Women's Wellness Collaborative sponsors online health education events for women, and hosts a weekly podcast called Women's Wellness Radio.

Rachel Peters:

Since 2001 Rachel has been supporting others through body, mind and heart-based yoga classes, trainings, mentoring and workshops. Her goal is to share how these practices have helped her shift into a more conscious, vibrant and easeful relationship to life and to support anyone who is ready to do the same. She’s been a serious practitioner and student of yoga from a young age and has thousands of hours of teacher training, immersions, workshops and retreats with phenomenal and inspiring teachers. In 2011 Rachel answered a deep calling and began her studies of Ayurveda with Cate Stillman at Yoga Healer. That same year, she began intensive studies with Paul Muller-Ortega of Blue Throat Yoga on the practice and theory of meditation and embraced a daily meditation practice that changed her life. These simultaneously launched her into a clear vision and daily approach of what she needed to do in order to thrive in the modern world. She now offers Ayurvedic Living immersions to help you to get light in your body, clear in your mind, and thrive in your life.