Have you ever wondered what stands between you and your deepest desires? Most times, the answer is knowledge. But what if there were a few simple rules that could help achieve, not only your current goals but your higher purpose? In yoga, we call them niyamas.

The niyamas are a set of five ancient rules or universal laws, which aim at your internal wellbeing. By following them, you will be better able to identify your goals, make peace with where you are, and develop the necessary discipline to achieve your goals. All while studying yourself and aligning to your higher purpose.

Listen to the podcast to learn more about how you can achieve peak performance in all areas of your life.

What you’ll get out of tuning in: How to use the rules of yoga for peak performance How to keep aiming at your goals How to align yourself to a deeper purpose Links Mentioned in Episode: Take the Assessment  Change Your Life Go here >> use promo code “actiontaker” Read some of Robert Brault's works Find out more about Yuval Noah Harari More about Craig Hamilton’s teachings Rolf Sovik and the Himalayan Institute Watch some Jordan Peterson’s videos Start with a Detox Get some free resources Show Highlights: The importance of reinventing yourself Understanding the parts of you that need to change Partnering up with Universal Law Timestamps: 3:50 Where yoga philosophy intersects with peak performance 15:10 Start by cleaning up your act 22:40 Experiencing deep ease and satisfaction 28:52 Discipline to the target 35:37 The importance of self-study  49:41 Aligning to a higher purpose