Smoothies, soups and sweet treats, Oh my!!
Listen in on the Cate and Kate show today and learn how to create new and exciting meals and desserts with Kate O’Donnell, author of The Everyday Ayurveda Cookbook and Everyday Ayurvedic Cooking for a Calm, Clear Mind.

We chat about delicious, nutritious Ayurvedic recipes that are easy to make this winter season for yourself or to give as gifts for the holidays! It is so important in today’s society to spend some quality time preparing your food or to get your hands a little dirty as you create meaningful and healthy gifts for your loved ones.

We talk about how nourishing hibernating in the winter feels and how moving in tune with this inward season is so good for us. It is so important to stay connected to nature, to move with the seasons, and to not over stimulate ourselves with the hussle and bussle of the holidays.

Listen in on our warm, wintery podcast and learn how to embrace this beautiful season by drawing inward, cooking with love, and enjoying winter’s stillness and simplicity.


What you’ll get out of tuning in: How to live more simply this winter. Which foods and recipes help you to thrive? Is fruit okay to eat for dessert?


Links Mentioned in the Episode: Kate O’Donnell’s Website  The Everyday Ayurveda Cookbook Everyday Ayurveda Cooking for a Calm, Clear Mind Discover more about Body Thrive  Body Thrive Book   Show Highlights:

1:20- Kate O’Donnell is working on some recipes for a new collaborative cookbook specific to dinacharya, daily routines, time, and substances. Contribute to Kate’s book with some of your own favorite home remedies and local recipes!
7:45- How did people live in Medieval times without too much sugar, too much shopping, too much? Were they healthier and more grounded, more in tune with nature?
15:00- How to stick to your routines during the holidays when friends and family try to push you off your game.
18:00- Recipes for smoothies, soups and baked apples! Delicious and nutritious recipes to mix things up in your kitchen this winter...turmeric, kale, fiber, beets, and more! Try eating all the colors of the rainbow to keep yourself energized, warm, and vibrant.
25:45- Food combining- which foods are okay to eat together, which ones are not, and why!? We also discuss some delicious dessert and fancy treat recipes for you to try!


Your Favorite Quotes: “The Pagan holiday has been made into a consumer runaround- you have more stuff to do that draws you out, instead of embracing just being quiet and being still. In a relatively short time of year, embracing darkness is a big part of it.” “Fruit, in Ayurveda, is either eat it alone or leave it alone.” -Cate Stillman “Getting back into the tactile and into the sensual is what we all need… get your hands messy and experience the joy of that!” -Cate Stillman   Guest BIO:

Kate O’Donnell is a nationally certified Ayurvedic practitioner, Ashtanga yoga teacher, and author of two books: The Everyday Ayurveda Cookbook: A Seasonal Guide to Eating and Living Well, and Everyday Ayurvedic Cooking for a Calm, Clear Mind: 100 Sattvic Recipes. She has made twenty extended trips to India, and continues to travel there annually for study, as well as teaching Ayurveda internationally. Kate is the director of a morning yoga program in Boston, co-director of The Boston Ayurveda School, and contributor to many publications. She teaches trainings, cooking classes, seasonal cleanses, and retreats when she isn’t practicing yoga or having a chai. Connect with Kate on her website  and facebook page.