Podcast Intro:

Everything is intertwined here on earth. Man has established these invisible yet strong connections with nature since the dawn of evolution. But what happens when these are out of sync? Would that impact the quality of the being navigating through the vast range of this planet? Join Cate Stillman as she talks about Ayurvedic Rhythms in-depth and how it affects the quality of your life here on earth.

What you’ll get out of tuning in:

What are the consequences of living against the rhythm of life How falling out of Rhythm correlates with your statute in life Why is it necessary to give yourself a break when experiencing season/weather change How treating the earth as a finite resource constitutes a prospective problem and fragility What naturally transpires when seasons change


Get into Yogidetox this April! Read: How to Detox Your Body Watch this episode with Winston on 10 Seasons of Cleansing Cate Stillman on Simple Detox Soup Stock


Cate talks about Ahamkara identifying more as an individual than a rhythm Cate talks about individuals treating the earth as an infinite source Cate talks about Ugni Changes relative to Rhythm


[04:02] Seasonal Rhythm: Ritu Charya  [05:32] Earth is a finite resource [06:12] Fragile System [06:40] Ahamkara [07:52] Living against the rhythm equates to the fragility [08:00] Paying more attention to rhythm to become antifragile [11:07] Fragility in the ecosystem [12:34] To give the body a break, we need to give the mind a break [13:47] Aging is when you're against the rhythm [18:21] Ritu Charya is a habit [19:28] Ritu Charya as a positive stressor [23:28] Ritu Charya is not an option. It's an evolution of habit.


When the seasons change, what we want to do is give the body a break. To give the body a break, we need to give the mind a break.  There's a problem where our global economic system is treating the Earth as an infinite resource, but the Earth is a finite resource. Seeing ourselves outside of the planet we live on it's a perspective problem, and these problems create fragility.  When we live against the rhythm, I want you to equate that with fragility. So to become antifragile means, we pay more and more attention to rhythm. There's an understanding in seasonal change that there's an accumulation of the past season - the energies and forces of the past seasons, they accumulate. Give up a bit. Allow a little more space, light, silence, listen to and receive the rhythm, go for walks so you can feel the beat of the Earth, take the earbuds out and notice the weather and the sky.

Guest: Cate Stillman

Since 2001, Cate Stillman has been educating audiences on how to achieve health and wellness with yoga and Ayurveda. She is the host of the Yogahealer Real Thrive Show, a weekly podcast that features dozens of industry leaders. She spends part of her time in Idaho's border country and part of it in Mexico.