Struggling to develop and maintain healthy relationships? Cate explains how important it is to develop a healthy relationship you yourself and how you can develop self-compassion.

What you’ll get out of tuning in: How to build a healthy relationship with yourself How to make issues less personal How to develop self-compassion Links Mentioned in Episode: Master of You and Free Workbook Have a conversation about your bigger dream Show Highlights: Cate explains how shadow work can be healing Cate shares how struggles pave the way  Cate talks about the importance of water element experiences Timestamps:  02:50 The role of water element in relationships 07:20 Looking at your shadow 22:51 Aligning your relationships with your ambition  Favorite Quotes: “First you get into alignment with you, and then you can do more” “Obstacles arise when we take action towards our vision” “With self-compassion, you're halfway home to the root of the problem”