Podcast Intro:

As we age, it's essential to incorporate physical activity into our daily routines to help maintain a healthy lifestyle. With a regular exercise routine, seniors will feel more energetic, and it will help manage the aches and pains of aging. This leads to a more independent life where you're staying safer and feeling your best.

The fear of falling is one of the most common concerns among older men and women. Chair yoga, also known as "yoga while seated," allows anyone to reap the advantages of a fitness routine while virtually eliminating the worry. Lynn Lehmkuhl, a qualified yoga practitioner, and instructor teaches simple yoga positions and stretches that may be done at home while sitting down in Chair Yoga for Seniors.

What you’ll get out of tuning in:

How can yoga help ease quarantine-related health issues such as stiffness, malaise, depression, and weight gain? What are the things that can be provided for seniors with motivation and the ability to break free from the effects of living in the COVID-19 period? What are the benefits of chair yoga to Senior Citizens? How could yoga help you feel good and energetic?


http://www.elderchairyoga.com Order your copy of Chair Yoga for Seniors today


Cate discusses the internal feedback system that occurs when you feel the weight of your body. Cate highlights the importance of having a grounded, safe space and an easy entry into yoga. Cate tries out Lynn’s Chair Yoga.


8:33 - introducing yoga and chair yoga to the world 12:50 - the start of yoga chair therapy 34:22 - yoga for lower body 50:24 - people with dementia


"I am very conscious of not introducing anything that could be interpreted as intimidating, exhausting, or difficult, especially for people who have elderly parents at home." "Yoga usually makes you feel good and helps you improve. It enables one to grow. And everyone wants to improve. Everyone aspires to do a little bit better every time." "Please keep in mind that no illness should prevent anyone from trying something."