In today’s podcast Alex BIondo and I talk about our digestion, our appetite, our habits and how the change of seasons has an effect on our physiology and our bodies rhythms. When we live out of tune with the seasons, we cause ourselves disease; when we live in tune with the seasons, we choose flow, harmony and easeful living.


Alex and I dive into detoxing and discuss what a nourishing process detoxing truly is on all levels- physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. We talk about how our bodies aren’t meant to carry old energies of the past into future seasons and how to let those old energies go.


If you have been wondering how you can feel healthier, lighter, more energized, more integrated and in tune with yourself, then this podcast is for you. Learn to age gracefully and live in integrity with yourselves and your bodies by following seasonal rhythms and integrate what your body wants to become next!

##I rap with Alex Biondo about the change of seasons:

Vata dosha and how we are affected as we transition from one season to the next How we partner with our body and how we respect our digestive fires Basic tips that help us to let go of the old and move excess out of our systems The Ayurvedic term, “Ritucarya” , which means seasonal rhythm or the routines to be followed in different seasons

##What you’ll get out of tuning in:   

How you can relate and tune in to nature’s seasonal rhythms   How can we detox our bodies and minds in between seasons The importance of doing seasonal detox’s in order to let go of old habits and create new ones

## Links:

Cate’s April Yogidetox - [ ]

Earlier, Lighter Dinner Challenge- Text ELDCHALLENGE to 3344 to get into the Earlier, Lighter Dinner Challenge

Sign up for a Body Goal’s Session with Alex Biondo - [ ]


##Show Highlights:

2:30 - Our digestion tends to get confused through the change of seasons; we discuss some ways that we can we deal with our digestion and appetite through the seasons.

7:15 - The body is so smart that it doesn't want to carry the energy of one season into the next. What does this mean for you?

9:15 - Learn the why behind the bi-annual Yogidetox. We chat about why I started it, why I continue to lead it, and how seasonal detoxing helps us to let go of outdated patterns and habits.


## Favorite Quotes:

“The body is so smart, it doesn’t want to go into the next season carrying imbalances from the past season.” - Cate Stillman “There are times when it is really hard to change a habit or a pattern and there are times when it is really easy to change a habit or a pattern.” -Cate Stillman

## BIO:

Alex Biondo is Head of Admissions at Yogahealer, a Yoga Health Coach, and 200 hour RYT certified yoga instructor.  Alex’s main role with Yogahealer is to talk to people who are interested in thriving at new levels of health and business. She coaches and guides people into finding their best paths and reaching for their dreams.

Growing, preparing, sharing, and writing about nourishing and delicious food is Alex’s passion. You can read about her gardening adventures on her blog, The Thriving Kitchen.

Alex as a busy single mom with a vibrant teenage daughter. She lives, gardens, cooks, and practices in Boulder, Colorado.