Today I have the pleasure of speaking with spiritual guru and Founder of the Wise Earth School of Ayurveda, Maya Tiwari. Our conversation takes us into the realm of cyclical wisdom vs. linear thought. How do we allow our intuition to move us back into a place of deep awareness, connecting us to our Shakti, our creative selves, and our consciousness once again. In order to reclaim this wholesome, cyclical nature of ourselves we need to simplify our lives and look to nature to source our energy and power. Tune in today and for a truly unique and grounding podcast and learn about the importance of life cycles and rebirthing your creativity.


What you’ll get out of tuning in: Why is reclaiming our cyclical wisdom so important to our physiology, our consciousness, our awareness How to we move back towards the knowledge of nature and what serves us Cutting out stressors we’ve acquired and simplifying our lives


Links Mentioned in Episode: Maya's website Maya Tiwari’s book- Food for One, Food for all Be a coach Have a conversation Discover more about Body Thrive  Body Thrive Book


Show Highlights: 1:30- Maya Tiwari tells us a bit about her life and how she arrived to where she presently resides, physically, mentally, and spiritually. We discuss the importance of phases and cycles of life and how to allow a cyclicial wisdom back into our consciousness and our physiology. 23:00 - The medicine of Mother Nature and its relation to simplifying our lives. To be simply creative again by delayering ourselves, we sometimes have to take a step to clarify who we are now and continue to grow. 38:00- The meaning and significance of the moon and its’ connection to women’s monthly cycle; there are certain activities that are in the dark phase of the moon that allow us, as women, to recreate the sanctity that we need within ourselves. We should ask ourselves, ‘what can we orient towards’ instead of ‘what do we have to give up’? 55:40- I ask Mother Maya about her experience in writing books and how her own creative cycle matures; how does she know when it is time to write and when it is time to edit?


Favorite Quotes: “It’s not about going out and getting something new; it’s more about reawakening what is already within us.” - Cate Stillman “We can’t create without calling upon our Shakti. And when we create we enlarge her, we grow her, we mature her. “ - Maya Tiwari “There has always been an amazing universal truth to everything we do. There is a time and a place for everything. And that is what we ignore in a linear culture.”  - Maya Tiwari


Guest BIO:

Maya established the Wise Earth School of Ayurveda in 1981, with the vision of restoring the long lost Inner Medicine® principles and practices of Ayurveda. Wise Earth is the first school for Ayurveda education in North America, through which Maya has personally trained hundreds of practitioners from a vast geographical area. Maya is also the founder of both the Mother Om Mission and the Living Ahimsa Foundation.

Maya served for two decades as a Vedic monk, belonging to India's prestigious Veda Vyasa lineage. In 2010, Maya made the radical decision to renounce her monastic title and spiritual moniker-Her Holiness, Sri Swami Mayatitananda. This decision was made to, as she puts it, "walk a simpler and more accessible life in service of the populations in need," which she continues to do to this day. Connect with Maya on her website and facebook page.