
Thank you for listening. This offering is a 40 min long restful, healing yoga nidra. NB I have uploaded an improved recording for those who listened to the original which wasn't great quality! Not for absolute beginners, in this one we close with a short sitting meditation and pranayama practice where we use a mantra and a visualisation to connect to the universal and foster unconditional love. We all need some of that right now! 

Yoga nidra is a way to deep rest, calm and replenishment of body, mind and soul. Make sure you are somewhere where you won't be disturbed. If it's not the right practice for you then make sure to stop it and choose something more suitable - you might find you want to come back to it another time. 

As always, lots of love to you. If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please contact me on [email protected]

Join me for an online class - www.yogabynature.org. We're all connected now via Zoom so come and meet me! 


