Hello Mrs. Raya, I'm Yesika Mangnguju. I have watched children's cartoons in English. I watched Inside Out movie. And I also read children's books.

The movie I have watched is Inside Out.
Inside Out is packed with two points of view, namely children and parents. The film also tells the story of an 11-year-old girl named Riley who lives with her parents. However, she had to move to San Francisco because of her Papa's job. Riley, who is a cheerful girl who experiences shocks when her family has to move to San Francisco. Apparently, her new life is not as beautiful as the life before she moved. Riley tries to adapt to the new environment, however, there are things that are less pleasant that make her far from happy. This situation of change is clearly not easy to accept for a child his age. As a result, Riley had to feel a variety of emotions within him. all mixed feelings so happy, angry, sad, scared to disgust the five emotions felt in Riley's life.
From this film we can know the importance of a child learning

I also read an English version of a children's book, that is Mouse and Frog friend Forever

Once upon a time, there lived a mouse and a frog, who were best friends. Every morning, the frogs would jump out of the pond to visit the mice, which lived in the tree holes.
He would spend time with the mice and then go home. One day, the frog realized that he was trying too much to visit the mouse while the mouse never came to meet him in the pond.
This angered him, and he decided to force the mouse into his house.
When the mouse wasn't looking, the frog tied a rope to the mouse's tail and tied the other end to its own leg, and jumped away.
Rats began to be dragged along with him. Then, the frog jumps into the pool to swim. However, when he looked back, he saw that the rat was starting to sink and was trying to breathe!
The frog quickly untied the rope from its tail and carried it over the edge. Seeing the mouse with his eyes barely open made the frog very sad, and he immediately regretted having pulled the mouse into the pond.

The moral message in this fable educational short story is: Don't force something on others. It could be that the person has reasons so they can't do what we want.