Ever find yourself hating that co-worker who is just so damn happy all the time? Like nobody is that positive all the time. I hear you. I used to be so annoyed with happy people. Mostly because I was jealous. I wanted to be happy and positive, but that cloud seemed to follow me around. ----more----

Now I realize that positive isn't just something that happens. Well maybe for a select few, but only a few. For the rest of us, it is work. Lots of work done intentionally to develop a positive attitude. But you can be more positive if it is what you want. And I am here to help you figure out how. ----more----

Listen in this week for practical tips on making the switch from Negative Nancy to maybe not Polyanna, but a realistic middle. You can do this. ----more----

And as always follow more of the journey to be brave on social media @findingpawnee and findingpawnee on Facebook.