We all fall down. It sucks, but it is just a fact of life. At some point or another, we will all fall flat on our faces. (Literally and figuratively.) And it is extremely easy to think of falling as failing. But what if the two are not the same. What if falling was just another way of moving you forward? 


There is no getting around falling. But falling is only failing when we choose to not get up. Movement toward our goals is never wasted and it is never failing. This week let’s take a few minutes and rethink failure. Because success is what we decide it is. And not reaching the exact picture isn’t failing. 


You can fall forward. Again and again. And each time you do you will learn something new. You will grow and you will be better equipped to keep getting better. To keep getting up. Don’t give up on yourself. Keep getting up. 

Follow more of the journey @findingpawnee on Instagram. And share your awesome falls forward.