And after a week's break, we are back! Let's talk a but about why our students are so bad at remembering things. In previous episodes we talk about cognitive load. This week, we look at another aspect - Usefulness and Importance. I always thought that students who cannot remember concepts is simply because they were bored and not motivated. What if it is a matter of usefulness and importance? As in, their brains don't mind the information you are teaching them as useful and more importantly, less important. Hence the brain then gets rid of the "less" important information. What then can we do? Listen as we try and address the Ebbinghaus forgetting curve that states people tend to forget up to 50% of new things they tend to learn immediately after they have learnt it. And a shout-out to Lai Say Beng who shared the article with us!

Edutopia article - Click HERE

In Part 2, Mark shares the app Classpoint. Plugged into Microsoft PowerPoint, ClassPoint is a powerful interactive classroom quiz tool that helps you build strong live engagement with students and improve their learning outcomes. And you can download it for free but there are of course limitations. In my opinion, since it is integrated into PPT, it is seamless and the learning curve is virtually zero and it is probably easier to use than Socrative. That's my opinion. And if you are a Singapore based educator, you can use your SkillsFuture credit and attend a course that will give you a FULL Professional license for a year. A great deal if you ask me.

Link - Classpoint