Episode 40! A milestone! In today's episode we look deeper at the principles surrounding cognitive science and why teachers need to pay more attention to it as they embark on their evidence based teaching journey. Don't worry, it is not going to be filled with technical jargon. We look at the key concepts around it and how teachers can make use of these concepts to improve the student learning experience.

In part 2, Mark shares the e-Tool Scribe, a Google Chrome extension. Scribe is a fast, easy and efficient way to document and share a process to anyone, anywhere.

Auto-generate step-by-step guides for FREE. Scribe saves any team 20+ hours a month with instant process documentation, complete with text and screenshots.

All you have to do is click “record” and go through the process you want to share. Scribe monitors your clicks and keystrokes to instantly create your guide. Answer questions, build SOPs and train teammates FAST.

Click the link to use it - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/scribe-%E2%80%94-documentation-so/okfkdaglfjjjfefdcppliegebpoegaii 

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