Donna Price, Business Success Coach, welcomes guests from the LADDER Summit to the launch of Compass Rose Leadership Navigator, a talk radio show for business leaders.  Guests:  Dr. Christine Overton, Joe Valemonte and Rajeev Sharma.
The LADDER Summit is a new leadership conference sponsored by the Hanover Area of Chamber of Commerce.  The LADDER Summit has a prime motivation is to empower and equip small & medium size organizations with strong leadership, management toolkits and best practices besides creating an avenue for collaborative endeavors amongst the participants.
The Summit has two visionaries and gurus who are also recognized by the community as beacons of wisdom. The Sun Clan Chief Dr Loren Hohep‘Ya Sekayumptewa will address the business community as the chief guest of the summit. What makes this summit special is the fact that Dr Loren who hails from the Hopi Nation (the oldest Native American Indian Nation), has never ever before delivered a public speech of this nature in any Chamber across the world.