Sherry Shriner fell under the spell of a charlatan televangelist, borrowed elements from the wacky orgone "science" of Wilhelm Reich and worked the devil and his underworld of reptilian warriors from hell into her strange brew of right wing conspiratorial nonsense.  Author of "Dragged Into The Light", Tony Russo joins us this week to lift the lid on the Shriner cult, which is incredibly still thriving even after her death earlier this year.  This ridiculousness is no laughing matter with a couple innocent people left dead in the wake of Shriner's reign of error.  The suicide of Kelly Pingilly was a particularly sad example of what can happen when a cult leader plays games with real lives.  A true cautionary tale for anyone who finds themself mesmerized by the dulcet tones of a nut.  

The Devil You Know Series on Sherry Shriner (Vice TV)

Purchase "Dragged Into The Light" by Tony Russon on Amazon