We may be making a huge mistake by not "picking a lane" for our podcast.  One week we have a baseball coach,  the next week a published true crime writer... sometimes it is just Lisa and I shooting the breeze with our good friend Aaron.  This week,  we decided to use our forum for a movie reviews.  When talking about which films to break down,  we decided on the three films we actually risked our lives to see during the pandemic.  We LOVE going to the movies and are really excited to be able to hit the theatres again without restrictions,  but in the cases of "Kajillionaire", "A Promising Young Woman" and "Nobody" we can honestly say helped keep popcorn popping at some of our local haunts,  at least in some small way.  We came away with positive impressions of all three films,  but you will see how they rank as you listen to this episode.

Trailer for "Kajillionaire"


Trailer for "A Promising Young Woman"


Trailer for "Nobody"
