Marvel at the aftertaste of Thanksgiving as you look forward to many joyful holidays in sight. This episode is all about the much-awaited Black Friday when people go all out in their spending. Shanda talks about how you can create an offer that people will be willing to shell out money for. She’ll have you revisit your priorities and how your daily activities are living out those priorities. Learn how to speak your dreams into existence and create the tribe of people who can help you in the process. 


“Money is like a man. It runs from you if you chase it. You have to prepare for it.”



- Shanda Sumpter




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In this Episode:


- Why being inconsistent no longer serves you or your cash flow.


- Make decisions that shore up to your biggest priority. 


- What you need to look at when preparing for your Black Friday offer.


- Why you need to find a way to give to people more than you’ve ever given in the past.  


- The biggest asset in the world that you should be trading for money.

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