A lot of businesses are suffering because there is no certainty on when the lockdown will be lifted. In today’s episode, Shanda talks about how you can use this opportunity to be on the winning team.  Now is the time to invest in yourself and, for those who have a business, a time for growth. Shanda explains why you should use this time to pivot forward rather than hunkering down. Tune in to learn more about how you can invest your money and grow exponentially, even in a crisis.


“Personal development doesn’t really happen in isolation, it happens in contribution.”- Shanda Sumpter


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In this Episode:


- The best thing you can do while on lockdown


- Why you should be filing for a paycheck protection plan


- The importance of being part of a community that has a strong leader


- Build relationship equity wherever you are right now


- Why it’s important to not build your life around you




- Rocket Fuel – https://www.amazon.com/Rocket-Fuel-Essential-Combination-Business/dp/1942952317


Connect with Shanda:


- Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/HeartCoreBusiness/?__tn__=%2CdkC-R&eid=ARAOYqWIAlwV8ne7kb7WZmlJjSRfND-LdiWYWUV2yG6OZI6hRY6SKbTkgNbdtImhEKWT9xXiLNus97wP&hc_ref=ARQp8bfdea6vXcyQ0GzE0rw61WssuNPfkCEPulWNEApe8zmYNh177ofVSzVApn_a-Ks


- Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/shandasumpter/


- YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV0yb267FuHLdNfSL-2fPkA


- Website (HeartCore Business) - http://www.heartcorebusiness.com/