Life is always going to come at you fast; you have to be willing to slow down and be willing to give, even when it’s hard. Meredith Allan is a marketing agency owner and PACE student who has experienced a lot of ups and downs recently. The one thing that has gotten her through the rough times is a spirit of generosity that has opened doors of abundance for her and her business. Today, she’s joining Shanda to share how letting down her walls and reaching out has helped take her agency to the next level. You’ll hear the amazing opportunities that came out of her first summit, how the HeartCore community has rallied around her, and how she just signed her first six-figure contract.

“Leadership is showing up and being open to the possibilities”

-Meredith Allan


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In this Episode:

Why Meredith sold everything, moved to L.A., and bought a ticket to the Zone Event The two incredible opportunities that came from Meredith’s first summit How the HeartCore community rallied around Meredith when her father passed away Why you can’t stay isolated in business How boundaries keep you from abundance and why you have to stay in the zone of generosity  How Meredith just landed a six-figure deal Why you can’t be focused on your agenda or a final destination 



The Zone Event

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