Yankee Group’s annual predictions have a different twist this year. As the industry prepares for network upgrades, we’ve focused exclusively on the impacts from 4G. The incremental pace of deployments of this next-gen technology is reminiscent of 3G. But once 4G takes hold, the effects will be swift and profound – and we believe 2011 […]

Yankee Group’s annual predictions have a different twist this year. As the industry prepares for network upgrades, we’ve focused exclusively on the impacts from 4G. The incremental pace of deployments of this next-gen technology is reminiscent of 3G. But once 4G takes hold, the effects will be swift and profound – and we believe 2011 is the year to prepare.

Will mobile video, mobile apps, or web browsing drive consumer adoption? How will operators fare with competition from Apple and Google? What are the early lessons from 4G marketing aimed at enterprises? These are some of the questions we’ve tackled in our round-up of predictions.

In a webinar earlier today, I was joined by Declan Lonergan and Brian Partridge to present the most significant developments we see for 4G in 2011 and beyond. Tune-in below for the replay.

The webinar runs about an hour.

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Note: you can also download a free copy of the full 2011 Predictions report here.