The mobile revolution is happening all around us and demand for mobile technology is increasing at a phenomenal pace. Between 2010 and 2015, the global installed base of smartphones will increase at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 33 percent. The tablet market will move even faster, achieving a CAGR of 81 percent during […]

The mobile revolution is happening all around us and demand for mobile technology is increasing at a phenomenal pace. Between 2010 and 2015, the global installed base of smartphones will increase at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 33 percent. The tablet market will move even faster, achieving a CAGR of 81 percent during the same period. Along with this incredible explosion of devices, network capacity, applications, video, mobile transactions and M2M deployments will grow to match global demand. What does the future hold as the mobile ecosystem strives to meet this unprecedented demand? What companies and trends will be the winners and losers of 2012?

Today, Yankee Group announced its  predictions for 2012. As part of the kick-off, I hosted a webinar together with three senior research leaders Declan Lonergan, Gene Signorini and Brian Partridge, to detail 8 of our 14 predictions. You can check out the replay below. The webinar runs about an hour.

Click here to download the webinar slide deck
Click here for access to the full report “2012 Mobility Predictions: A Year of Living Dangerously”