#scapic #flipkart #spatialweb #3d #3dweb #immersiveecommerce #ecommerce #spatialcomputing 

Ajay Ponna Venkatesh is the co-founder at Scapic the company that got recently acquired by Flipkart for an undisclosed amount. Scapic is a Bengaluru based startup that has a bold vision to build 3D e-commerce for the next billion Indians, Scapic is building visual technology that brings products to life. their Product Experience Management (PXM) suite can wow customers, drive sales and enable whole new segments such as Augmented Reality experiences.  

Today, we buy more online than we ever have, but remain uncertain between what we add to our cart, to what shows up inside the box. Brands are already deploying AR to help bridge this and scapic is a No-Code, Deep tech, SaaS platform.  

Ajay spoke about his journey in the Immersive tech industry, their partnership with flipkart, the products that their building & their vision in laying the frameworks for the future of India's E-Commerce Industry partnering #flipkart.  

