#venicevr #venicebiennale #transmedia #immersivemedia #interactive #cinema

Michel Reilhac is a producer,  immersive storyteller creating participatory experiences in real life, and across media. He is the founding curator of Venice VR, the official competition of creative VR content for the Venice Biennale International Film Festival. He is head of studies for the Venice Biennale College Cinema and for the Venice Biennale College Cinema VR. He is a curator of the VR section for Seriesmania in Lille. He lectures, coaches, and produces/ directs immersive content and is the creator of Virtual Reality experience "Viens". Reilhac was Head of Film Acquisitions at Arte France for many years and executive director of Arte France Cinema, where he co-produced an average of 30 films per year, including #williemdafoe "Antichrist" and "Melancholia" by Lars von Trier.

He was formerly a dancer, executive director for several national dance and theatre institutions in France, head of the Forum des Images in Paris. He was named Man of the Year in film in 2013 by the french trade Le Film Français. He is currently working on setting up an international and pan african writers residency in the island of Lamu , Kenya.




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