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Sabarinath Nair the CEO at Skillveri is a computer scientist with an interest in simulation-integrated training methodologies. He has wide experience in building intuitive and effective products and solutions for the developing world. earlier he was handling the marketing of Vortex ATMs. 

He has been selected to be on the Prime Minister’s Champions of Change initiative, on the panel for Education and Skill Development. He is a winner of NSDC’s National Innovation for Skills Challenge in 2014. 

Skillveri is a company that started in IIT Madras (India’s top engineering university) and has built a multi-skill simulation platform on XR and VR. The spray painting simulation on their platform has become the world’s most used simulator, and the welding simulator is India’s most used. 

The beauty of the name Skillveri is that it can be read in either of the two classical languages, Tamil or Latin. In Tamil, the name stands for acquiring skills with utmost passion; in Latin the name stands for the right/authentic skill (veri being the root word for verify). Ultimately, we want Skillverify all vocational skills.

