#iitmadras #100thepisode #haptics

Happy to share the 100th Episode of XROM with Dr M Manivannan Prof at IIT Madras & the Founder of Merkel Haptic Systems plus (CAVE)' Consortium for VR/AR/MR Engineering Mission in India.  Thank you to all the guests who have supported us by participating & sharing their insights on XROM- the 1st extended reality focussed podcast from India, we will always be grateful for your kind support & participation. Thank you to our subscribers & listeners, we do this because of you

Our mission is to educate a larger audience by creating awareness about immersive technologies and their benefits to individuals, businesses, institutions as well as governance, because we believe augmented reality, virtual reality & mixed reality will collectively lay the foundation for a democratized education & healthcare industry in India. For our 100th Episode, we bring to you Dr M Manivannan one of the pioneers in haptics - the science of touch.

He is a professor of Biomedical Engineering in IIT Madras, Department of Applied Mechanics. He was a visiting scientist at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) of Harvard Medical School (HMS) in Boston, He was serving as a chief software architect of Yantric Inc., a spin-off company of MIT Touchlab, in Cambridge MA, before joining IIT Madras in Jun 2005.  At IIT Madras Dr.Manivannan has set up the first Touchlab in India, which is also known as Haptics Lab, in 2005. He is the Founder of Merkel Haptic Systems and also responsible for the IIT Madras powered consortium for virtual reality called 'Consortium for VR/AR/MR Engineering Mission in India' (CAVE)

