#fulldiveVR #fullimmersion #amazon #transcension #hypothesis #blackmirror

Virtual Reality has been growing exponentially, rudimentary gameplay such as "Richies Plank Walk" tricks your motor cortex into believing the virtual world is real even today, advancements of transformational technologies such as #nanotech #braincomputerinterface & #artificialintelligence converging with virtual reality is laying the ground world for a virtual world so real that it will be impossible to understand the difference between the physical & the virtual world.

we are still a few decades from Full Dive #VirtualReality but the ingredients needed to build a virtual world is progressing significantly, companies such as #facebook #magicleap #improbabale and others have laid down the foundation of these virtual worlds through their #socialVR platforms & #digitaltwins. technologies you saw in the movies such as #Readyplayerone is already a reality today, #hapticsuits #5G #Ai #untethered #HMDs. Spoke with Prashant Kumar Senior product manager at Amazon about the possibilities and timelines for Full Dive Virtual Reality.

for primer catch his #tedx talk on full-immersion virtual reality  

