#digitaltwins #web3 #extendedreality

Digital Twins is rapidly transforming the prototyping & manufacturing processes, digital twins can help you save cost, reduce risks in training, real-time remote monitoring, prototype digitally & assess before final manufacturing, intelligent recommendation, update across value chain real-time and various other uses cases. Catch Mahesh Ramamurthy who is an entrepreneur with decades of experience in the automotive industry, he has developed world class, innovative and lightweight products that push the performance envelope. A consummate tinkerer, he is the author of patents and trademarks in the vibration control field. At Vibromech Engineers & Services Ltd. he is responsible for technology, product and business development. Vibromech Advanced Technologies solves critical problems faced by the automotive, defense, aerospace and machine tool sectors by developing cutting-edge software and products using state-of-the-art product design, prototyping and testing technologies.

Satori (悟り), commonly translated as enlightenment, refers to the experience of seeing into one's true nature. The satoriXR platform and products derived from it allows deeper understanding and visualization of phenomena, products and principles using immersive 3D/XR/Digital Twin technologies. He is active in education-oriented charitable NGOs, having personally supervised the construction of classrooms, the distribution of education grants and social development programs. He has also applied his engineering skills to develop socially impactful products that solve problems in low-resource settings.

