#ieee #fulldivevr #virtualreality

Dr. Yu Yuan is a visionary researcher, inventor, and entrepreneur in the areas of Consumer Technology, Transportation, the Internet of Things, and Digital Transformation. He founded Senses Global Labs & Ventures a multinational technology company specializing in Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Human Augmentation. Dedicated to "Creating Better Worlds" as its long-term vision, the company is developing technologies, infrastructures, ecosystems, and resources needed for massively multiplayer ultra-realistic virtual experiences.  

The company is also engaged in technology consulting, technology transfer, and system integration services to help with the Digital Transformation of its clients in various industries. It has been proactively supporting standards development for emerging technologies (VR/AR/MR/XR, Blockchain, AI, IoT, Big Data.

Digital Twin, Smart Lifestyle, etc.) in collaboration with many other companies and institutions.  Prior to this he served as the president of CATE Global, a think tank focusing on bringing world-class expertise to clients and projects all over the world. Prior to that he worked for IBM Research as a research scientist and was a key contributor to IBM's Cell Broadband Engine, Smarter Planet, and IoT initiative.

He has been a passionate volunteer in various leadership positions at IEEE and other professional communities. His outstanding service in IEEE standards activities at different levels (working groups, standards committees, and governance at higher levels) has been widely appreciated by standards developers, individual members, and corporate members. He has been serving as the Chair of IEEE Consumer Technology Society Standards Committee (CTS/SC) since 2015.

He is also serving as the Chair of IEEE VR/AR Standards Committee (CTS/VRARSC), the Vice-Chair of IEEE Photonics Society Standards Committee (PHO/SC),  the Secretary of IEEE Consumer Technology Society Blockchain Standards Committee (CTS/BSC), the Chair of IEEE VR/AR Advisory Board, and a voting member of IEEE Technical Activities Board Committee on Standards.  He has a PhD in Computer Science, Tsinghua University.



Twitter: @DrYuYuan