Dear listeners, this week, we are joined by guest star Paul Comeau for an episode about master documentarian, Errol Morris! Paul was a former cohost of The Geek Life podcast alongside Melissa, so this is a reunion of sorts. Also, Errol Morris is awesome. If you would like to drink along, we recommend picking up …

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The post Episode 113: The Parrot Is Under Police Protection appeared first on Xanadu Cinema Pleasure Dome.

Dear listeners, this week, we are joined by guest star Paul Comeau for an episode about master documentarian, Errol Morris! Paul was a former cohost of The Geek Life podcast alongside Melissa, so this is a reunion of sorts. Also, Errol Morris is awesome.

If you would like to drink along, we recommend picking up a bottle of Lambrusco (Windy’s pick) or pre-Prohibition cocktails crafted out of Old Tom gin (which is what Paul was sharing with Melissa).

We do have one correction for this week’s episode. During the show, Melissa complains that the film A Brief History of Time is nigh-impossible to see. Well, it isn’t anymore! In 2014 (which was after Melissa marathoned all of Morris’ films), Criterion released A Brief History of Time on both DVD and Blu-Ray, so now it’s back in circulation.

Also,  we promised a photo of Errol Morris hugging Werner Herzog under a rainbow, so here you go:

Show notes behind the cut!

Movies mentioned:

Gates of Heaven

Garlic Is as Good as Ten Mothers

Werner Herzog Eats His Shoe

Burden of Dreams

Vernon, Florida

The Thin Blue Line

The Unknown Known

A Brief History of Errol Morris

A Brief History of Time

The Dark Wind

First Person (TV)

Fast, Cheap, and Out of Control

Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr.

Fog of War: Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara

Standard Operating Procedure


Documentary Now! (TV)

Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans

Midnight Special

Take Shelter

People mentioned:

Errol Morris

Werner Herzog

Ed Gein

Alice Waters

Les Blank

Philip Glass

Stephen Hawking

Lou Diamond Phillips

Fred A. Leuchter, Jr.

Temple Grandin

Tony Mendez

Robert S. McNamara

Donald Rumsfeld

Joyce McKinney

Jeff Nichols

Michael Shannon

Adam Driver


Werner Herzog Eats His Shoe:

“Which Came First, the Chicken or the Egg?” by Errol Morris, about the Valley of Death:

The Interrotron:

30 Errol Morris Movies that Can Be Streamed Online:

Errol Morris’ 2002 Academy Awards short film:

A great article about how Morris made the short film for the 2002 Academy Awards:

Documentary Now!

Paul’s MS150 donation page:

Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans

The post Episode 113: The Parrot Is Under Police Protection appeared first on Xanadu Cinema Pleasure Dome.