This week, dear listeners, we bring you a completely self-indulgent episode about our movie-themed weddings! That’s right: Melissa just got married a few weeks ago in a very nerdy fashion, and Windy also had a nerd wedding when she got married, so we just talk about all that for an hour. We promise that there …

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The post Episode 112: Congratulations, Ulysses S. Grant appeared first on Xanadu Cinema Pleasure Dome.

This week, dear listeners, we bring you a completely self-indulgent episode about our movie-themed weddings! That’s right: Melissa just got married a few weeks ago in a very nerdy fashion, and Windy also had a nerd wedding when she got married, so we just talk about all that for an hour. We promise that there is far more talk about swords and Godzilla than flower arrangements or color themes.

If you would like to drink along, we recommend either Yellowtail Sangria (Windy’s pick) or Bushmills Whiskey (Melissa’s pick).

We don’t currently have a copy of the photo of Windy’s wedding that was discussed in the episode (we’ll add it later when we find a copy of it), but here are a couple photos from Melissa’s wedding:

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Show notes behind the cut!

Movies mentioned:

Lord of the Rings: Return of the King

SLC Punk

Crank 2: High Voltage

People mentioned:

Harry Knowles

Peter Jackson

Tom Letness


The Heights Theater

Windy’s wedding in People Magazine:,,20059309,00.html

Woulett’s Bakery

The Hamiltome

Power Grid

The post Episode 112: Congratulations, Ulysses S. Grant appeared first on Xanadu Cinema Pleasure Dome.

Books Referenced