By Rachel Tidwell “We started with nothing and we never had any hopes of retiring,” Loretta said as she described the outlook that she and her husband, Don, have had together. All they ever expected was to live a simple life, and in some ways they have done just that. But what they consider to […]

By Rachel Tidwell

“We started with nothing and we never had any hopes of retiring,” Loretta said as she described the outlook that she and her husband, Don, have had together. All they ever expected was to live a simple life, and in some ways they have done just that. But what they consider to be an ordinary life has had quite an extraordinary impact on the lives of people around the world.

After serving time in the Navy, Don began working with the U.S. Postal Service, delivering mail on a rural Michigan driving route for more than 20 years. His route finished in the afternoon, so Don would work on other odd jobs like finishing attics and basements.

When he met Loretta at a roller skating rink, she was dating a man in the Army, but as Don jokes, “Her mother liked me better.” They married in December of 1948, just over 60 years ago. With no children of their own, they served as parents to three godchildren, who have blessed Don and Loretta with seven grandchildren that they consider their own.

Once Don retired from the Postal service, he and Loretta made Venice, Fla. their home, where they’ve lived for more than 20 years. After moving, they faced some trying days as Loretta was diagnosed with progressive cancer and had to undergo numerous surgeries and procedures. Even now, having lived through those hard times, she deals with extreme allergies, limiting her ability to go many places.

In spite of these challenges, their passion to serve the Lord was undiminished. Generosity always came naturally for them; opening their home or their wallets to those in need was a common occurrence throughout their lives. When health issues restricted them from volunteering at a Spanish ministry, they simply pursued other opportunities. “We have to give to the Lord’s work,” shared Loretta.

Shortly after their move to Florida, friends of Don and Loretta invited the couple to a Wycliffe dinner presentation. They were so intrigued that they wanted to get involved as soon as possible, and so they began financially supporting Wycliffe. “Then we heard of JAARS and of course we were interested, and we wanted to see,” Loretta said, explaining their visit to JAARS shortly thereafter.

Out of the blessings the Lord has given them, the couple wanted to continue supporting Bible translation. Though they realize the importance of planning for family, they ultimately have asked themselves the question, “What are you going to give to the ministry?” Their answer has always been, “We want to help the Lord’s work and the translation.” As they progressed in retirement, they looked into options to support the ministry and maintain some income. They discovered that annuities with the Wycliffe Foundation met their needs. “We give and it benefits them and us,” Loretta said. She isn’t concerned with the current economic climate, sharing that “When you get involved in gift annuities, you think it over. It’s not impulse. You plan it year upon year for the tax benefits…You have to continue giving where there is income because you need those additional funds.” The couple has been pleased with their experience with annuities through Wycliffe Foundation, having just finalized their sixth gift.

Many times, people who have lived what they view as normal lives assume they have minimal ability to make an impact on God’s Kingdom. Don shared these sentiments regarding his most recent charitable gift annuity, feeling that it was too small to make an impact. “Normal” people giving faithfully are often the exact individuals that God uses to carry out his plans. He uses every gift, every heart and every person.

Unfortunately, Don and Loretta didn’t get that simple, ordinary life they wanted. While it may look simple from the outside, by giving to the ministry of Bible translation, their impact has extended far beyond the boundaries of their Venice home. And you see, that is simply extraordinary.