" Gratitude is the art of noticing the things in your life that you can be thankful for. In the process, you start to focus on what you do have instead of what you don't."

Gratitude is one of the simplest ways to elevate the way we feel by switching on a mindset of abundance, optimism, and positivity.

In this episode, we're diving deep into the art of gratitude journaling.  Tune in now and you'll discover what gratitude journaling is along with tips and insights for how to practice this technique effectively.

Master the art of gratitude and make this powerful practice a part of your identity, and you can tap into the realm of abundance and create your best life.

In this episode, we explore: 

Gratitude journaling as seen through the five bums on a bench formula! Understanding that gratitude is the art of noticing.Gratitude as an intentional act that shifts you into an abundance mindset. Why a gratitude practice has far-reaching impacts on your emotional well-being. Practicing the power of presence and pause through gratitude. 

"Gratitude can change how you feel in a heartbeat.  In the moment that gratitude shows up, you can't feel angry or frustrated because these emotions can't co-exist." 

Suggestions of what you can be grateful for. The power of 'lowering the bar'  in your gratitude practice. Tips for practicing gratitude - the duality of noticing & acknowledging. Why it's important to FEEL gratitude as well as acknowledge it. Making gratitude a ritual and a habit. And more...

As well as transforming how you feel about the world, gratitude journaling is a powerful way to change the way we feel about ourselves.

With the help of gratitude, we can feel more self-love, self-esteem, self-confidence and more. Best of all, with the tools, tips, and prompts included in this episode, you can start your practice NOW!

This episode's journaling prompt. 

Write a long list of gratitudes for the things that you love about yourself. 

"Gratitude is a powerful way to sink deeply into the now."

Also, check out the BestSelf Co. range of journaling tools:
1. Creating Your Live List [$5 investment].
2. Transform Fear to Focus [$5 investment].
3. 52 List Journaling Prompts [a free tool].
4. 101 Small Things To Be Grateful For [a free tool].

Finally, if you enjoyed this episode, please rate and review the show as it helps more people find us. You can also tag us on social. We're @bestselfco and I'm @georginaelmorshdy

Don't forget to find us on social.

I'm @GeorginaElMorshdy, and we're @bestselfCo. And if this show has been valuable for you, please review us or rate us. It helps other like-minded people find this resource.

Now get to writing!