"It can take time to coax out the inner voice so it’s loud enough for you to hear - especially if it’s been denied and ignored for so long."

It's tempting to see journaling as a very cerebral process. But what if there was another dimension that journaling could open up?

What if we could spark different trains of thought, new ideas, and understanding beyond what you thought was present and possible...

This episode shows you how. 

"When we hear what is happening within, we create space for change and transformation by making room for the life-shifting thoughts and ideas to drop into our conscious awareness."   

Tune in now to explore: 

What is inner listening?How to extend your journaling beyond the obvious things to write about. The reason we benefit from inner listening. Understanding why we struggle to hear our inner voice. The story behind the one-way ticket to Egypt that I never used. Developing the inner trust that cultivates intuition and instincts. How to practice inner listening. Managing the inner critic when it shows up. And more...

"Inner listening is the art of learning to distinguish and identify our own voice, needs, and desires... being able to separate them from the external noise and social narratives."

As always, I have a couple of journaling prompts to help you practice inner listening. Download yours here. 

Also, check out the BestSelf Co. range of journaling tools:
1. Transform Fear to Focus [$5 investment].
2. 52 List Journaling Prompts [a free tool].

Finally, if you enjoyed this episode, please rate and review the show as it helps more people find us. You can also tag us on social. We're @bestselfco and I'm @georginaelmorshdy

Don't forget to find us on social.

I'm @GeorginaElMorshdy, and we're @bestselfCo. And if this show has been valuable for you, please review us or rate us. It helps other like-minded people find this resource.

Now get to writing!