In this week's episode, we're exploring a process that will help you KNOW what your next goal will be. As a result, you'll get the clarity and confidence on where to put your time, energy, and attention for the best results.

In turn, you can go further and faster and step more fully into your best self.

"Peel away the layers. They'll be a surface level answer and a deeper answer.  If you go deeper, you'll uncover next-level opportunities for growth and personal expansion."

In this episode, we're exploring: 

The problem with too much choice. Tapping into the energy of what it feels to KNOW. The power of starting with a life benchmark (and the areas to review).Exploring the interconnectedness between different life areas. 

"Often we can stay so focused on the end result that we forget to stop and pause along the way and enjoy the experiences we have in creating the things we desire." 

Finding the 'thing' that can create an exponential shift in your life.Making space in your life to work on your goals. Feeling into the joy of the journey to your desires.The magic of feeling stretched in your life. And more...

If you're curious to identify the focus that will create an exponential shift in your life, then this episode is for you. 

"It's one thing to have an intention, it's another to create the space you need to carry this newness out."

This week's journaling invitation is...
Benchmark your life, look at the interconnectedness of all the areas of your life, and identify which intention holds the potential for exponential growth.

Also, check out the BestSelf Co. range of journaling tools:
1. Creating Your Live List [$5 investment].
2. Transform Fear to Focus [$5 investment].
3. 52 List Journaling Prompts [a free tool].

Find us on social. I'm @GeorginaElMorshdy and we're @bestselfCo

Don't forget to find us on social.

I'm @GeorginaElMorshdy, and we're @bestselfCo. And if this show has been valuable for you, please review us or rate us. It helps other like-minded people find this resource.

Now get to writing!