Nick Petrie has just released the 6th Peter Ash novel, 'The Breaker'. It's all about the war vet with PTSD, trying to live a quiet life on the run, who cannot stand by when he sees an armed man walk into a crowd of people, and no-one knows what might happen next.

His debut, 'The Drifter', won many thriller awards, he's award-winning for his short stories too, having gained MFA in fiction from the University of Washington and won a Hopwood Award while he was there.

We talk about perfecting the writing space, getting the day just right, using a big bulletin board and thick marker pen to figure out what's next.

Nick and I were tight on time in this chat, so didn't get around to much book chat. However, it's a fast-paced, gripping thriller, and you can grab a copy here -

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