Just a quick thank you to everyone who read, liked, or shared my articles on LinkedIn over the past year. It’s because of your interest and support that I was recently named — for the second year in a row — a LinkedIn Top Voice in marketing and social media. You can find my articles on LinkedIn over at writewithimpact.com/linkedin. Please reach out and connect with me there.

I’m very pleased to introduce my guest today, Professor Joshua Spodek, an Adjunct Professor of leadership at New York University.  Professor Spodek is a leadership expert and executive coach, an astrophysicist who built a satellite for NASA, an inventor with several patents to his name, and an entrepreneur.

Professor Spodek is also a prolific writer and blogger, and he was recently named by medium.com as a Top Writer in three categories: leadership, inspiration, and self improvement. 

He’s pulled together what he knows and teaches about becoming an exceptional leader into a new book, Leadership Step by Step: Become the Person Others Follow.

In my conversation with Professor Spodek, he talks about some of the writing exercises that form the basis of his approach to cultivating effective leadership skills. 

He also shares how he started a daily blogging habit six years ago. Since starting his blog back in January of 2011, he’s published over 2,400 posts, and he’s never gone a day without publishing an article.

He also shares the strategy he developed to cultivate habits like his daily blogging routine.

And he relates the story of how he once wrote 100 gratitude emails, and what he learned from the process.

I’ve put a link to his new book on Amazon in the show notes to this episode over at writewithimpact.com/episode58.  There you can also find links to his blog, his online leadership academy, and his column on inc.com.

And while you’re there, be sure to sign-up for my newsletter in which I share my advice on writing and the latest episodes of this podcast.

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