Today’s episode of the Write.Publish.Market Podcast is going to be a little bit different than what you’re used to, if you are a regular listener. Instead of digging in deep to one aspect of the book writing/book publishing/book marketing world, Jodi going to peel back the curtain a little bit on the Author-Entrepreneurs Lab, her mentorship-membership program for business owners who want to write a book to serve their business.

And the reason for this is because one, she gets a lot of questions about it, and two, she knows that everybody learns a little bit differently. Some people don't want to go to the website and read the sales page. They’d rather just hear a little bit about it. Jodi’s schedule doesn’t allow for that many one on one calls, so she thought, “Why not do a dedicated episode of the podcast to talk about the membership and dig in a little bit about what it is, how it came to be, what kinds of things happen in the Lab, and all that good stuff?”

So if that is something that interests you, you are in the right place, and Jodi’s hope is that you will sit back, grab a cup of coffee, and come on this journey with her.

Grab the full transcript here.

Learn More about the Author-Entrepreneur Lab here.