Today on the show Jodi gives author-entrepreneurs three tips to get their self-published book into bookstores. Shelf space is at a premium in bookstores, particularly in smaller stores. If you follow these three tips, you make it easier for bookstore owners and book buyers to say yes. Produce a professional product. Bookstore owners (and readers!) should be able to hold your book in one hand and a traditionally published book in the other and not feel or see a difference. This means things like having the bar code in the right place on the back cover, including the right material on the spine, and have the right paper weight and color. Make it easy to both purchase and return your book. Bookstores enjoy a generous return policy with traditional book publishers. The easier you make it for them to purchase your book as well as return it, the easier it is to say yes to carrying your book in the store. Build a relationship with your local bookstores and with store owners and managers. Show them that you are a part of their community and a patron of their store. If they know you, it’s easier for them see the value in carrying your book and hosting an event for your book marketing. These become a win-win for the store and for you.
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Also, check out these resources 

To Pre-Sell or Not to Pre-Sell Your Book
3 Tips to Get Your Book into Bookstores