Today on the show Jodi explores why Amazon should be a piece of every author-entrepreneur’s marketing and distribution plan, but not the entire puzzle. Author-entrepreneurs should absolutely list their book on Amazon and take advantage of what Amazon offers to authors as far as keywords and author pages but also remember that Amazon cares about its bottom line, not theirs.  (Case in point: Right now, during the COVID-19 pandemic, Amazon is not prioritizing book shipments — rightfully so. But that’s obviously not ideal from a book marketing standpoint.) Amazon doesn’t supply authors with customer information, so author-entrepreneurs have no way to track, research, and retarget book buyers.
Author-entrepreneurs must decide whether to handle distribution themselves or hire a distributor. Considerations include how many bulk orders you receive, sales tax, shipping processes, and storage solutions. With print-on-demand, author-entrepreneurs don’t need to worry about cases of books in their garages and attics (like in the old days of self-publishing!). On the other hand, self-distribution (selling and shipping from our own sites) offers author-entrepreneurs options. They can package the book with a training or another product as a bundle purchase. They can offer a tripwire post-purchase. Marketing possibilities abound when author-entrepreneurs remain in control of their book sales.
Again, though, this is not to say that author-entrepreneurs should ignore Amazon. If books are positioned properly (using appropriate categories, keywords in titles and subtitles, and strong book descriptions, for example), the right readers will find and purchase them.  
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