Today on the show Jodi breaks down the types of editing and why “I need an editor” can be a loaded statement. Editing is not a one-size-fits-all operation. Rather, there are three types to consider when looking for a book editor: Developmental: looks at the big picture; sometimes called structural editing, manuscript evaluation, or book coaching Copy: looks at the manuscript on a micro level; looks at grammar mechanics as well as tone and clarity; sometimes called line editing; what most people think of when using the word editor Proofreading: looking for typos and design issues; a “last look” before a book is published
Where you are in the process as an author-entrepreneur can also play into what type of editor you need: Developmental editing occurs typically before or during the writing process. Copy editing occurs after a manuscript is complete. Proofreading occurs just before a book is printed/uploaded and after layout.
As an author-entrepreneur, the two factors you need to be most concerned with are: which level(s) of editing will best serve your manuscript to ultimately meet your goals, and what is your budget for editorial services?
Listen here or on your favorite podcast player, and let me know what you think!

Today on the show Jodi breaks down the types of editing and why “I need an editor” can be a loaded statement. Editing is not a one-size-fits-all operation. Rather, there are three types to consider when looking for a book editor: Developmental: looks at the big picture; sometimes called structural editing, manuscript evaluation, or book coaching Copy: looks at the manuscript on a micro level; looks at grammar mechanics as well as tone and clarity; sometimes called line editing; what most people think of when using the word editor Proofreading: looking for typos and design issues; a “last look” before a book is published Where you are in the process as an author-entrepreneur can also play into what type of editor you need: Developmental editing occurs typically before or during the writing process. Copy editing occurs after a manuscript is complete. Proofreading occurs just before a book is printed/uploaded and after layout. As an author-entrepreneur, the two factors you need to be most concerned with are: which level(s) of editing will best serve your manuscript to ultimately meet your goals, and what is your budget for editorial services? Listen here or on your favorite podcast player, and let me know what you think!