Episode 13: Sharing Your Story in a Book with Ashley Cox
Today on the show Jodi interviews Ashley Cox, author of Transform Your Stories (2019). Here are some highlights:
Jodi and Ashley talked about the organic manner in which Ashley came to write a book to serve her business. She was struck by a line in a true crime podcast she was listening to one day and wrote a blog post about it. The feedback was so strong that Ashley felt like she could write more, and one blog post turned into a four-post series. After even more feedback, much of which included things like “I could read a whole book on this topic!” Ashley realized she had a book topic on her hands. Ashley wasn’t actively brainstorming topics, thinking that she was going to write a book. The process was natural and organic. Ashley shared that her favorite part of the writing/publishing process was the esoteric experience of thinking about her readers. She thought about individual women holding the book and thinking about the impact her words would have on those people she may never meet or work with one-on-one. Ashley reflected that the book writing process was experiential for her and natural because she’s walked the path her readers are walking or have walked. She’s the expert guiding the reader through the book but also walking alongside them as someone who’s struggled with toxic stories and how they’ve affected her leadership roles. As someone who doesn’t love doing the nitty-gritty, detail/line-by-line work, Ashley’s least favorite part of the process was reading her own words over and over (and over and over). She noted that she doesn’t thrive doing that type of work but keeping her readers in mind helped her power through the revision stage as she finished her book. In the six weeks or so (at the time of recording) since Ashley’s book launched, she shared that so many fun things have happened already: Holding the book in her hands was such a thrilling experience, and a future reader from New Zealand connected with her on Instagram and noted that she had purchased the book, and knowing that the book had gone international inspired Ashley. She’s also benefited from podcast and speaking opportunities, as well as events at local establishments in her community. Ashley noted that the book gives her “something to lead with” when introducing herself to people. Ashley offered two pieces of advice for other author-entrepreneurs: Hire someone to help you (and the earlier the better), because the book writing and publishing process is so involved. And take advantage of the wonderful community of existing author-entrepreneurs. Reach out to them and ask for advice and feedback. Ashley shared that she’s typically reading more than one book, and now is no exception. She’s currently reading two books, one personal development and one for leisure: A Happy Pocket Full of Money by David Cameron Gikandi and The Boiling Season by Christopher Hebert.
Listen here or on your favorite podcast player, and let me know what you think!
Find Ashley here: https://www.ashleycox.co/ https://www.instagram.com/ashleycox.co/ https://www.amazon.com/dp/0578553570/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?keywords=transform+your+stories+ashley+cox&qid=1568914312&s=gateway&sr=8-5

Episode 13: Sharing Your Story in a Book with Ashley Cox Today on the show Jodi interviews Ashley Cox, author of Transform Your Stories (2019). Here are some highlights: Jodi and Ashley talked about the organic manner in which Ashley came to write a book to serve her business. She was struck by a line in a true crime podcast she was listening to one day and wrote a blog post about it. The feedback was so strong that Ashley felt like she could write more, and one blog post turned into a four-post series. After even more feedback, much of which included things like “I could read a whole book on this topic!” Ashley realized she had a book topic on her hands. Ashley wasn’t actively brainstorming topics, thinking that she was going to write a book. The process was natural and organic. Ashley shared that her favorite part of the writing/publishing process was the esoteric experience of thinking about her readers. She thought about individual women holding the book and thinking about the impact her words would have on those people she may never meet or work with one-on-one. Ashley reflected that the book writing process was experiential for her and natural because she’s walked the path her readers are walking or have walked. She’s the expert guiding the reader through the book but also walking alongside them as someone who’s struggled with toxic stories and how they’ve affected her leadership roles. As someone who doesn’t love doing the nitty-gritty, detail/line-by-line work, Ashley’s least favorite part of the process was reading her own words over and over (and over and over). She noted that she doesn’t thrive doing that type of work but keeping her readers in mind helped her power through the revision stage as she finished her book. In the six weeks or so (at the time of recording) since Ashley’s book launched, she shared that so many fun things have happened already: Holding the book in her hands was such a thrilling experience, and a future reader from New Zealand connected with her on Instagram and noted that she had purchased the book, and knowing that the book had gone international inspired Ashley. She’s also benefited from podcast and speaking opportunities, as well as events at local establishments in her community. Ashley noted that the book gives her “something to lead with” when introducing herself to people. Ashley offered two pieces of advice for other author-entrepreneurs: Hire someone to help you (and the earlier the better), because the book writing and publishing process is so involved. And take advantage of the wonderful community of existing author-entrepreneurs. Reach out to them and ask for advice and feedback. Ashley shared that she’s typically reading more than one book, and now is no exception. She’s currently reading two books, one personal development and one for leisure: A Happy Pocket Full of Money by David Cameron Gikandi and The Boiling Season by Christopher Hebert. Listen here or on your favorite podcast player, and let me know what you think! Find Ashley here: https://www.ashleycox.co/ https://www.instagram.com/ashleycox.co/ https://www.amazon.com/dp/0578553570/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?keywords=transform+your+stories+ashley+cox&qid=1568914312&s=gateway&sr=8-5
