Previous Episode: Changing the Lens

So last week we talked about basic outlines and discussed the turning point method versus the beats method for figuring out the structure of the story.

We debated whether or not to write from a detailed outline in the initial draft – it provides direction, it stifles creativity – the age-old debate of planner vs. pantser. In any case, we agreed the outline is useful for knowing the trajectory of the characters and the plot.

Which brings us to the common structures for a piece. This link gives us 11 basic structures:

The Fichtean CurveThe Three Act StructureThe Hero's JourneyFreytag's PyramidThe Five Act StructureSave the Cat BeatsThe Snowflake MethodDan Harmon's Story CircleThe Seven Point Story StructureThe Story SpineIn Media Res

We covered the Save the Cat beats last week and the Seven Point Story Structure is basically the turning point structure. So this week we’ll look at the 3 and 5 act structures and then tackle some of the others next week.

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