We're under tons of pressure all the time -- as writers, family members, employees, and just as human beings in general. That stuff can really get to you -- and that's what we're talking about in Episode 036 of the Write Now podcast.

Under pressure.

Pressure surrounds us all the time -- and I'm not just talking about the type that keeps our heads from exploding. I'm talking about the type that keeps us in line socially, that often dictates our behavior without us even realizing it.

Pressure isn't necessarily good or bad -- it's just a neutral force that presses against us, against our morals and values and strength of character. And we can decide how we respond to it.

And that's what today's episode is all about: how to take a step back and reassess the pressure you're under. It's about how to deal with and respond to pressure in a way that creates positive outcomes (inspiration) instead of negative outcomes (crippling fear & doubt).

At the end of the day, pressure doesn't control you. Your decisions about how you react to pressure determine how things turn out.

So give today's episode a listen, and give in to the pressure -- in a good way, in a way that keeps you writing and fulfilled.

Speaking of pressure... I've decided I'm going to write a book this year.

I can't tell you whether or not it'll be any good. But it's something I've wanted and needed to do for a really long time now, and I've decided to commit.

One thing I do know is that it's going to take a ton of time and hard work. So I'm going back and listening to Episode 009, "Say Yes To Writing", and remembering that when you say "yes" to one thing, it means you say "no" to something else. And that can be a good thing.

So I'm honing my naysaying abilities. More about what that means in an upcoming episode.

The Book of the Week is not really a book.

OK SO. I am still working on reading Leviathan Wakes by James S.A. Corey. It's really, really good, but also really, really long. (And I've been really, really busy.)


The Black Tapes Podcast has been my companion this week during my workouts, and I've gotta say -- this modern radio drama really takes the "work" out of "workout."

It's the serial story of a naive audio journalist who finds herself in the midst of an adventure when she begins investigating the videotape collection of a paranormal investigator who doesn't believe in the paranormal.

Something fun for you to listen to while you're awaiting new episodes of the Write Now podcast. ;)

Keep up-to-date on my book-reading adventures on Goodreads.

Coming soon: MERCH!

My friends! I am currently building a store where you will soon be able to support my work at the Write Now podcast with sweet, sweet merchandise (a.k.a. MERCH)!

Get very, very pumped. :D

Until then, please do feel free to take full advantage of my Tip Jar:

Do you feel the pressure to be great?

Let me know via my contact page, or simply email me at hello [at] sarahwerner [dot] com. I can't wait to hear from you. :)

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The post The Pressure To Be Gre...